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How to improve the economic benefits of growing vegetables in greenhouses?

Vegetable greenhouses to improve output value efficiency, to make it clear that a point is to make more money. The same greenhouse, the same planting varieties why there are different prices. Some people make a lot of money growing vegetable greenhouses, and some people lose money. So planting greenhouses is not just a simple matter of planting.

Greenhouse facilities requirements

Vegetable greenhouses are generally said to be anti-season planting, the use of greenhouse equipment to change the growth time of crops, so that we also have fresh vegetables to eat in winter. Now the use of equipment such as vegetable greenhouses can ensure the supply of fresh vegetables all year round, which is also the progress of our technology. The basic elements of vegetable growth are sunlight, temperature, moisture, fertilizer, etc., especially the winter temperature has a great impact on vegetable greenhouse planting. For the greenhouse insulation requirements are very high, in bad, bad weather greenhouse also need heating equipment for continuous heating. Most of the vegetable greenhouses are production-type solar greenhouses, which are mainly low-cost environments that can fully meet the needs of vegetable growth.


Greenhouse planting basic technology

Simply speaking, it is not difficult to grow vegetables, and there is no small vegetable garden at home. Common vegetables are also planted and grow well. However, greenhouse planting is not unified with ordinary open-air planting, greenhouse planting belongs to artificial simulated planting ecological environment, and the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse can be controlled. If the temperature is too high, it will cause the phenomenon of dehydration or burning of crops. If the temperature is too low, the powder will be affected and the fruit setting rate will be low

The price fluctuation of vegetables in the same period was analyzed

Now we all know that greenhouses are mainly anti-season planting, and the vegetable supply in the winter market is from greenhouses. Want to grow their own vegetables in the market to sell a good price, not simply the quality of vegetables. There is no doubt about the high price of good varieties. However, the price of vegetables is very affected by the market, mainly the supply and demand relationship of the market, supply is greater than demand, and the price is certainly low. Supply is less than demand, the market supply price is definitely high. For growers, the number of varieties to choose has a very big relationship, which needs to refer to the price range of various vegetables in the same period in the past few years or the recommendations given by relevant departments

Greenhouses green organic planting

Organic vegetable market analysis

Nowadays, people's living standards are gradually improving, and they pay more and more attention to healthy diet. The ordinary greenhouse planting method is basically in a saturated state, and it is unlikely to find a new breakthrough in this traditional greenhouse vegetable planting. Everyone uses the same methods in planting, and the varieties are basically the same. To break through, we have to be different.


Organic vegetable market share

The trend towards organic growing of greenhouse vegetables is also unstoppable. Now in the vegetable section of a mid-sized city supermarket you will find a section devoted exclusively to organic vegetables. The appearance and guarantee of organic vegetables are very good, and the price is several times that of ordinary vegetables. From the sales records of supermarkets, the sales volume of organic vegetables is also gradually increasing, indicating that people's consumption concepts and quality requirements are also gradually improving. In particular, the second customer who will still be able to sell organic vegetables has eaten the difference between organic vegetables and ordinary vegetables.

The sales model of greenhouse vegetables

The traditional sales method of vegetable greenhouses

Traditional greenhouse growers, that is, our vegetable farmers, they basically wait for wholesalers to purchase vegetables after maturity, and the purchase price is basically the wholesale price in the local market. Vegetable farmers do not have any right to self-pricing and are in a very low position in sales. That's why vegetable farmers haven't been very profitable. There is no self-help pricing power, but also by the price of wholesalers.

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Vegetable greenhouses picking sales model

The sales method of greenhouse picking is also a fresh sales method developed in the past two years. Not only can be used to pick, but also can enjoy the fun of the picking process. Picking is generally parents with children to play, not only picking, more is to enjoy the process of picking. In the whole picking sales is the best strawberry picking, this is often a very independent picking project, into the greenhouse vegetable picking is also very good, children like to pick strawberries, of course, for children, in the supporting picking some organic vegetables, is also a very good choice. It can drive the sale of vegetables.


If you want to maximize the benefits of greenhouse vegetables, planting varieties, quality, sales mode, market conditions and other modes to do just right, in order to maximize the benefits of greenhouse, which is also a completely ideal state.

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